Navigation Toolbar

Studio Mapper's handy toolkit

Navigation Toolbar

To hide or show this toolbar:

  • Activate the Setup ribbon and toggle the view of the Navigation toolbar using Show | Toolbars | Navigation Bar

By default, Studio Mapper displays a docked toolbar at the left border of your application.

This toolbar, designed for easy use on touch devices, contains commonly-used map view tools to make it easier to see what you're doing, both at the face and back at the office.

Each function triggers a specific design command - click a link below for more information:

  1. Pan the current view
  2. Zoom the current view interactively
  3. Spin the view around the current Lookat point
  4. Zoom in
  5. Zoom into a defined rectangular area
  6. Reverse view plane
  7. Interactive section editor toggle
  8. View controller HUD toggle
  9. New section by 1 point
  10. New section by 2 points
  11. New section by 3 points
  12. Snap the section to a point
  13. Isometric/perspective toggle
  14. Align the view with the section
  15. Level the view
  16. Lock the view
  17. Align the section with the  view
  18. Make the section wider (affects clipping)
  19. Make the section narrow (affects clipping)
  20. Disable all clipping
  21. Clip in front of the section
  22. Clip behind the section
  23. Clip outside the section


Changing the Toolbar Position

You can move your toolbar to any position you like, and it can be docked or free-floating. Modifying the position of the toolbar can be achieved with the following general procedure:

  1. If the toolbar is docked, click, tap or touch and hold the 'grab bar' - this is the dotted line shown either on the left of the toolbar (if docked horizontally) or at the top (if docked vertically):

    You may need to hover over the bar for a short duration to 'pick it up'.
  2. Drag the toolbar to a new position. If you hover over the edges of the application, you can dock the toolbar in a fixed position, otherwise you can leave it floating.
  3. The position of the toolbar is remembered so that it is reinstated between application sessions. The layout of your user interface is common to all Studio Mapper projects (although other Datamine applications support their own layouts).

If you don't want to display the toolbar (or you want to display it because it is hidden), the Setup ribbon's show menu | Navigation bar toggle can be used.

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Ribbon ReferenceUI Customization